Even More Tales to Give You Goosebumps: The Perfect School

Our protagonist, Brian, has parents who are unhappy, so he's kicked off to 'The Perfect School,' the world's fastest boarding school. Yeah, I can't actually imagine a perfect school, due to the fact that, in your opinion, the worst school will always be the one you go to. The Perfect School apparently only takes 2 weeks to 'transform' your children. Where's Alex Rider when you need him?

On the train, Brian befriends a guy his age called CJ. When they get off the train, they're made to line up in height order. They'll be given an all-grey wardrobe and will be given a number to replace their name. Brian and CJ start messing around, so Brian is immediately sent to what they call 'The Pattern Room.'  So, the room with horribly disorientating wallpaper, then.

Whilst he's waiting, someone in the wall warns Brian not to go into the Pattern Room. Brian is of course much more concerned about the fact that there's somebody in the walls. And when the random students come out of the walls, it's all over! When in the Pattern Room, which actually looks more like a doctor's office than Picasso's living room, some bloke measures every inch of Brian (stop laughing), and he realises that the school are planning to replace him with a robot (Parents: "Oh, they know what they're doing!"). They're still coming up with new and surprising things to squander the music budget on.

Brian tries to escape, but CJ catches up with him. He then tricks Brian into getting shut inside the walls. Yep, CJ was working for the school the whole time! We jump to Brian's parents getting presented with the robot version of Brian, who they think is their son. But, just as we think that that's the twist, the story drops this ingenious bombshell: it actually is Brian. He'd managed to overpower CJ, and is now pretending he's the robot, until he can some day get back to the school and free the other kids. Man, this isn't what I thought Kevin Costner's origin story would be like at all.

The Perfect School is actually pretty good. Yeah, I didn't see that one coming either. It has a good premise, some nice characters, and a lot of really nice twists. I'll admit it still suffers from the occasional lack of logic, but aside from that, it's really worth checking out.
