Sunday Shorts: Broken Dolls

Our protagonist, Tamara, is not this story's resident jerk. (*faints out of shock*) Rather, that title goes to her younger brother Neal, who enjoys breaking her dolls. It's the murder of Mr Teddy all over again. One day, Tamara and Neal go down to the local craft fair, since craft fairs are known for attracting the youth, or being interesting. At the craft fair, they meet an old woman selling dolls. I wonder who the villain is. Whilst the 2 browse, the old woman gives Neal and cookie and ruffles her hands through his her. Hello, 999?

Back home, Neal is acting unusually quiet and still. He's developed a fever (at least he'll get a day off school), and there's weird goo in his hair, which he calls 'dolly jelly'. He also mumbles something about "not wanting to be a doll." It's obvious that the lady selling wind chimes is behind this. Tamara realises that it was in fact the doll lady who was behind it, and instead of saying something and possibly going to the hospital or the police, Tamara heads off back to the fairground. Because apparently only 12 year olds can stop evil in this universe or something.

Back at the craft fair, Tamara, shockingly enough, breaks into the doll lady's caravan and starts rooting through her stuff. Why is this par for the course by this point? She finds boxes upon boxes of faceless dolls. So, the Happy Meal toys for the Slender Man movie, then. Tamara comes across a doll with dolly jelly in its hair, and sees that it's developing Neal's face. Well, it doesn't seem like anyone would want to buy that doll. Then the dolls come to life because shut up, and start attacking Tamara. Eventually, Tamara is cornered by the doll lady, who I guess is here, now. The latter takes out a jar of dolly jelly (can we call it something else?) and is about to turn Tamara into a doll, for some reason. Suddenly, however, Tamara grabs the jar and chucks it into a random pool of water. At a craft fair. The doll lady shrieks and Tamara runs home.

Back home, Neal's affliction is cured, and everything's lovely once again. Wonderful. But then, the next day, Tamara receives a doll in the post; one that looks a lot like the doll lady. I'm pretty sure I didn't mean that nickname literally. So, because murder is still acceptable in this universe, Tamara dares Neal to break the doll. Well, at least I can say that story wasn't terrible.

Broken Dolls is... alright. The plot is creative, and there is some good atmosphere, but a lot of things don't make sense, at times things can get pretty silly, and it succumbs to a lot of the tropes I've come to expect from these stories. However, it doesn't suck for once, so I'll give it a pass.
